Our New Wellbeing Reset Space

Sep 13, 2021

Our Allied Health Team have created a new therapeutic space with a variety of equipment that provides our students with personalized sensory input— to reset, self-regulate, calm and focus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others.

Whilst looking at our Behaviour Interventions and Supports (SWPBS) program, As a staff, we realized we needed an instructional space, designed for students’ social-emotional and behavioral needs, that was accessible throughout the school day.

Our ‘Wellbeing Reset Space’ is similar to a sensory room or (sometimes called a “zone room”). Our space is a designated area within the school where a student may receive or exclude sensory input and work on self-regulating behaviour.

Our students will enjoy having a space designed for unwinding from emotions or developing coping skills, implementation posed by their individual challenges. From providing a stimulating environment our students will:

  • Increase concentration and focus attention
  • Heighten awareness and improve alertness
  • Lead students to explore their environment
  • Provide security
  • Improve creativity
  • Stimulate the sensory building blocks
  • Promote social interactions
  • Promote mental and physical relaxation – Stress levels drop dramatically
  • Result in more calmness and lower aggressive behaviours
  • Increase opportunity for choice and self-determination
  • Improve communication and sharing

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