Remote Learning 6.0 – Our Learning

Aug 27, 2021

As Victoria entered our sixth lockdown, our students have been actively involved in remote learning. Our remote learning has engaged students through explicit Zoom meetings for English and Maths, along with extra lessons presented through Google Classroom. During this remote learning our school also introduced Seesaw as a platform to support students, families and teachers with learning.

During remote learning, our teachers have been creatively planning and modifying learning tasks to engage and extend the students learning. Our staff also learnt to use the Seesaw platform to better engage the students, track student learning, and allow families to see students learning and see feedback provided from teachers and teaching assistants.

Our school uses Seesaw as a platform for student engagement. Our staff have used it to empower students to create, reflect, share, and collaborate. Using Seesaw our students “show what they know” using photos, videos, drawings, text, PDFs, and links. Over the last few weeks, we have seen the school community work together to get student work in one place and share it with students, staff and families

Through using our instructional teaching model of I Do, We Do, You Do, students start each hour teaching block with a half hour zoom of a direct teaching lesson, followed by a 30-minute independent working activity that they share and post to Seesaw.

Our families have been doing a fantastic job in guiding and supporting the students in remote learning through zoom and seesaw app. A BIG THANK YOU TO OUR PARENTS AND CARERS.